I think it goes without saying that I am filling some pretty big shoes as chaplain of Intermountain. Dana Holzer and her family leave soon for the next chapter in their life adventure, and I wish them Godspeed and the knowledge that many love and support them as part of the extended Intermountain family!
Those that wish to follow that adventure should check in regularly with Dana, Quinn, and the family at their ministry blog:
The legacy Dana leaves here at Intermountain should not be minimized. The plans for a permanent chapel on campus, the establishment of a spiritual aspect within the children’s treatment, and the support of many in Montana’s churches and faith community are a direct result of the time, prayers, and efforts of her 13+ years here.
Here is an example of the foundation she has left for the chaplain’s program that I have the honor to carry on. It was Dana’s desire that this program allow “every child to hear consistently the following…
- That God loves them despite their shame, family trauma, and real or perceived failures
- That God has created them for a purpose, with God-given skills and abilities.
- That forgiveness is a key to healing emotionally, spiritually and relationally.
- That Jesus’ invitation to friendship with God was given to humanity through his death and resurrection; and,
- That God is planting seeds in each child’s heart that we pray will bear much fruit over the course of their lifetime.”
Isn’t that a fantastic statement of the purpose of the chaplain’s program at Intermountain? It is this sort of heart, dedication, and passion that will be missed by the Intermountain family, but will be such an asset to her continued ministry to the people of Bolivia!
As one chaplain to another, and as a brother in Christ to my sister in Christ, I offer this benediction as we bless the Holzers on their way:
May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.Amen.