May 21

Creating a Community of Hope

Before coming to Intermountain, I spent a little over 15 years in children’s and youth ministry in the local church setting. For 8 years I was the youth minister at a small church in Southwest Washington, and most recently spent 7 ½ years at a larger church as an associate pastor. In both roles, I was looked to as the “expert,” or at the very least the one who was responsible for the church’s outreach to families, children, and youth. I hope I added a lot to those ministries I served, as I know I learned a great deal from those experiences and the people I served alongside.

One aspect of ministry to families always bedeviled me, if you’ll allow me that term! Most of what I did in ministry and programming, and most of the training, materials, and resources available, seemed geared towards children and families that simply didn’t exist! Well, maybe they existed somewhere, but the children and families I encountered in ministry were unsatisfied by the rehearsed answers to the standard questions. More than that, nothing and nobody had prepared me to meet the individualized needs of families that had issues of depression, attachment, self-abuse, learning disabilities, or special needs. I found myself, like other ministers I suspect, doing my best… trying hard, but ultimately feeling like I had failed these families who had come to me and to the church for help, understanding, and mostly… Hope.

Growing up the younger brother of a family member struggling with terminal illness, and a parent of a medical-special needs child today, I am especially sensitive to the special needs that families like ours have when desiring to integrate into a faith community. A strange catch-22 takes place… the family realizes they don’t quite “fit the mold” and come into a church or fellowship with low expectations about the accommodations that might be made for them. The church staff and volunteers, likely overwhelmed and underequipped, mean well but often don’t understand the challenges these families face and don’t know how to lovingly ask the right questions that would facilitate better integration. Often, a parent or sibling might be asked to always be present to attend to the needs of a child of special needs… not providing that parent or sibling the chance to be ministered to themselves.

This common occurrence attributes to the statistic that I often hear cited regarding families that are working with some sort of special need—90% just don’t come to church, youth group, small group… whatever. There are models for disability ministry out there (see: that might work for your church or fellowship group. But first and foremost, the foundation for ministering to these families starts with a heart for the challenges these families face and their need for the same thing that likely drew you to God—a desire for hope. Hope that things could get better and that someone might understand. Hope that our children could be raised up with other children that shared their values and view of the world. Hope that the grace, understanding, and compassion shown to others might be extended to them and their hurts, as well.

Over the next three years, I am hoping to build my own skills and knowledge base so that I might become a resource to you, your ministries, and your churches. I’m entering a special cohort of study through Multnomah University specifically tailored to finding ways to incorporate into a ministry setting the best that Intermountain has to offer from a century of providing hope and healing for children and their families. I also hope to create a network of churches in Montana, and beyond, that feel called to take on a ministry to families that—like mine growing up—didn’t quite “fit.” I hoping to create a community of hope—pulling these families and their children out of the shadows and into the light of community, support, fellowship, and joy.

I’d love to hear from you! I’d like to hear what you’re doing to meet the challenges of the kids and families that come to your with special concerns or needs. I’d also like to hear about your frustrations or expressed needs—just where and how do you feel you need to be better equipped? I am hoping for a give and take, a sharing of ideas, and a growing together as we seek God’s best for ALL his children.

Sincerely and humbly,

Chaplain Chris Haughee

May 14

New Horizons Community Band visits Intermountain

Nancy Trudell, Intermountain Board member, recently coordinated with Chaplain Chris to bring the New Horizons Community Band to Tuesday chapel.  The band is made up of 52 community members, from a variety of backgrounds, ages and experience who enjoy playing together.  Due to scheduling conflicts, the residential children were unable to attend the bands’ spring concert, so some of the musicians brought the music to Intermountain!

Chaplain Chris and Jewish Educator, Janet Tatz, started the chapel service with a brief lesson on what it means to praise God with music, based on Psalm 150. With Janet’s leadership, we were even able to learn a little Hebrew and sing part of Psalm 150 together! After this, Chaplain Chris introduced Nancy and the New Horizons Community Band.

The band played Amazing Grace, a clarinet polka and a fun march, and then shared their instruments with the children and showed them how they work!  Many of the children’s eyes lit up when they learned that they would get a chance to play trumpets, tubas, trombones, and other instruments. It was clear that more than a few of our children have a musical gift! After creating some notes with a flute, a boy shared, “I didn’t know I could do that until now!”

– Carrie Reynolds, Intermountain IPC Manager

May 08

If not for this child, than who?

I can tell I have settled into the role of Chaplain here at Intermountain when the following diagnoses no longer startle me:

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder of early childhood or infancy
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-Combined Type
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent
  • Neglect of Child
  • Sexual Abuse of Child
  • Asperger’s
  • Mood Disorder
  • Problem with Primary Support Group
  • Problems Related to the Social Environment
  • Bipolar
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Borderline Intellectual Functioning

Quite a list, isn’t it? But, behind each of these labels is a child. Just as each of us would not desire to be known as any of the labels that apply to us and our “problems,” these children deserve to be known for something other than their present difficulties or their troubled past. Read the rest of this entry »

Apr 18

What’s in a name?

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”
-Isaiah 43:1

How important is your name to you? Does it annoy you a little if someone misspells it or mangles its pronunciation? We understandably take the abuse or misuse of our names personally, because they are symbols of WHO we are!

While doing a little investigative work to surprise one of our young ladies in residence with a gift, Chaplain Chris asked how she liked to have her name written. He had seen it written several different ways on her paperwork and was going to surprise her with a Bible with her name printed on the cover.

Her response was “It doesn’t really matter,” her face downcast and the tone of her voice flat and unaffected. Not skipping a beat, Chris replied enthusiastically—“Of course it does… it’s your name! God loves and calls you by name… When he speaks to you, how would you like him to say it?”

To this, the girl lit up and gave her full name, correcting Chaplain Chris’ spelling on the paper he brought in and showing him which letters should be capitalized.

Just imagine being in a place where you felt like your name didn’t matter, being defined more by your situation and your relationship to temporary care-givers than who you ARE. Now, imagine the joy this child experienced when she received the Bible she requested with her name—HER NAME—written in gold on the bottom right hand corner. There were many hugs, smiles, and “thank you’s,” which were a testimony to how much this gift meant to this young lady.

Our Chaplain’s program reinforces for each child—regardless of their past, the difficulties in their present, or their fear for the future and what it holds—that they have a God that loves them, calls them by name, and has a beautiful plan to bring restoration and healing to their lives. When you support the work of the Chaplain’s program you are helping ensure that this message is shared with each and every child. Thank you for your partnership, financial support, and prayers!


Apr 03

“Whenever you did it… you did it to me.” Easter at Intermountain, 2013

We here at Intermountain hope you had a glorious Passover and Easter season. We just finished up celebrating both holidays with great fanfare and excitement. Our Jewish Educator, Janet Tatz, held a “mini-Seder” on March 28th for all our children and a fair number of staff and adult guests. Our Easter Celebration was held at 10 am Easter morning with over 60 in attendance.

Much of what we spoke about in our lessons leading up to Easter focused on how Easter and its message is a reality here and now… It is not just the celebration of a historic event. Jesus taught his followers to realize their impact on other people’s lives—to love one another, to care for their neighbors, to pray for those they disagreed with or had been hurt by, and to see each act of service as something offered to God. In the place of an Easter sermon, the children read a Reader’s Theater adaptation I did of a favorite short story of mine—Walter Wangerin’s “The Ragman.” It is a modern retelling of the gospel and was very helpful in expanding the imaginations of our children to see how and where Jesus is active today.

In the middle of our presentation of this story on Sunday, one of the young men in residence sang a solo to Brandon Heath’s recent song called “Jesus in Disguise.” Part of the lyric goes like this: “Jesus in disguise, Jehovah passing by. You were looking for a King, and would never recognize… Jesus in disguise.”

It was sung beautifully on Sunday… I wish I could share that recording with you. However, I can share part of the experience with you. The children were asked to draw pictures of how they envisioned Jesus. Some drew something quite literal—an image of what they see Jesus looking like. Both the heart picture and the multi-colored cross show that the children have caught the message of Easter: they are LOVED.

Mar 07

2013 Valentine’s Day Tea

Thanks to the hard work of many friends who donated their time and talents, the Girls’ Tea went off without a hitch and everyone had a wonderful time! In addition to our girls and the cottage staff, we had special guests from the community, our President’s Council, and the Board that raised our attendance to 48! Thankfully, there was plenty of room in the Governor’s Residence, and Jane Brophy, the Residence Manager, kept us well fed! First Lady Lisa Bullock was a very gracious host, and even her daughters got into the act when it came time to bring out the tea and scones. Second Lady Janet Walsh was also in attendance, and everyone remarked at how beautiful everything looked and how lovely our young ladies were.

Tea Coordinators Lisa Lovell-Mattioli and Margaret Bowman did a remarkable job of organization and photographer Les Cramer made everyone smile with his playful interactions and professional manner. The Flower Haus donated the lovely flowers that were on each table, and Margaret Bowman’s niece made such lovely cookies and chocolate-dipped strawberries it almost seemed a shame to eat them! Rev. Heidi Kinner of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church gave a heartfelt message about the beauty of God’s ability to bring about change in our hearts and lives, weaving in the illustration of a change from caterpillar to butterfly. The girls each received a hand-made Valentine with a personal message from Chaplain Chris Haughee as well as gloves that came embellished with butterflies. In all, the Tea was a resounding success, even if we did break with tradition and allow some “boys” to join us as guest waiters!

Feb 26

Four Free Children’s Sermons!

Who doesn’t like free stuff? One of the easiest ways to get me to open an envelope or package is for the sender to promise something “FREE” on the outside. Well, perhaps some of you reading this received Intermountain’s “Change for Children” mailer that came out mid-February. There wasn’t time to get the freebie in that mailer… so, now EVERYONE benefits for the resources being posted online here. If you go to our Resource page and look under Children’s sermons and object lessons, you will find a link that will open up four free lessons.

My hope is that you will find this resource helpful for you as you interpret the “Change for Children” campaign to the young people of your church. While written primarily for a Children’s Sermon format, these object lessons could be used in a Sunday School setting, youth group, or even as sermon illustrations!

Over fifteen years of children’s and youth ministry, I have found the object lesson during children’s sermon time to be a significant way of conveying the truth of God’s Word. Jesus taught in object lessons and word pictures, too, so it should be no surprise to us that this method is highly effective—surely Jesus knew what he was doing and set an example for us to follow!

These lessons have been carefully crafted around themes of change, the impact of the gospel in our hearts and lives, and the ways in which your church can connect to the ministry of Intermountain. I hope this resource blesses you, saves you time in preparation, and makes your workload a little lighter. I hope our partnership in the years ahead will truly be a partnership of mutual benefit. As Intermountain’s chaplain, I want to be a resource to you and an encouragement in your work with children and families.

That’s what this website is all about. Not only will we have regular posts about what we’ve been up to in ministry with the children and families here on campus, we also commit to building an ever expanding library of resources free for your use. There will be lessons like those I wrote for “Change for Children,” as well as game ideas, youth ministry talks, sermons and sermon outlines, bulletin and newsletter “filler,” and worship resources like sample calls to worship and pastoral prayers. I’ll be updating the content every other week, so I’d encourage you to check back regularly. Any feedback or requests for specific types of resources or content are also welcome any time.

So, enjoy these four lessons for now, and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear from you and build a stronger relationship between my chaplain’s ministry at Intermountain and the good work you are do in your church and community.

Feb 12

Turning the Spotlight on to one of our wonderful volunteers: Rachael DeMarce

Rachael DeMarce is a Gates Millennial Scholar, was invited to President Obama’s second inauguration, has served as a fellow at the Indian Law Center, and will complete her undergraduate work at Carroll College in May. We are very fortunate to have her working with our residential program and attending to the cultural needs of our children with a Native American heritage. She has been serving as a cultural heritage mentor since September of 2012 when Chaplain Chris Haughee recruited her. We caught up with Rachael recently to do a quick interview.

Q: How did you first get involved volunteering with Intermountain?

A: I was contacted by Chaplain Chris Haughee, who was very warm and welcoming.  I was humbled that he thought I would be a good mentor.

Q: Chaplain Chris recruited you specifically to help work with and attend to the cultural needs of the Blackfeet children in Intermountain’s care. How do you see your involvement with them addressing the children’s cultural needs?

A: I want the children to be proud of where they come from and know that being Blackfeet is part of their strength. My main goal is for the children to understand that it is crucial that they attend college and to see someone with whom they can relate too.

Q: You have mentioned that coming to Intermountain is the “highlight of your week!” What aspect of your volunteer experience here has made it so rewarding?

A: I always look forward to seeing the children because they are genuinely happy and excited to see me. I am tackled in hugs nearly every Friday when I walk through the door. They remind me of the difference that one person can make in your life. I am fortunate to have the four children I specifically mentor, plus many more at Intermountain that change my perceptive on life each time I come to visit. Over this past school year, I have grown to appreciate the little things more because of volunteering at Intermountain.

Q: Anything else you care to share?

A:  As a result of volunteering at Intermountain I plan to adopt in the future.

Jan 21

Continuing a legacy

I think it goes without saying that I am filling some pretty big shoes as chaplain of Intermountain. Dana Holzer and her family leave soon for the next chapter in their life adventure, and I wish them Godspeed and the knowledge that many love and support them as part of the extended Intermountain family!

Those that wish to follow that adventure should check in regularly with Dana, Quinn, and the family at their ministry blog:

The legacy Dana leaves here at Intermountain should not be minimized. The plans for a permanent chapel on campus, the establishment of a spiritual aspect within the children’s treatment, and the support of many in Montana’s churches and faith community are a direct result of the time, prayers, and efforts of her 13+ years here.

Here is an example of the foundation she has left for the chaplain’s program that I have the honor to carry on. It was Dana’s desire that this program allow “every child to hear consistently the following…

  1. That God loves them despite their shame, family trauma, and real or perceived failures
  2. That God has created them for a purpose, with God-given skills and abilities.
  3. That forgiveness is a key to healing emotionally, spiritually and relationally.
  4. That Jesus’ invitation to friendship with God was given to humanity through his death and resurrection; and,
  5. That God is planting seeds in each child’s heart that we pray will bear much fruit over the course of their lifetime.”

Isn’t that a fantastic statement of the purpose of the chaplain’s program at Intermountain? It is this sort of heart, dedication, and passion that will be missed by the Intermountain family, but will be such an asset to her continued ministry to the people of Bolivia!

As one chaplain to another, and as a brother in Christ to my sister in Christ, I offer this benediction as we bless the Holzers on their way:

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.Amen.

Dec 31

Forgiving, Forgetting, and the New Year

It’s time to turn the page on the calendar and take on the New Year, whether we feel ready or not. December has past away, and January is here.

Did you know that the name of our first month, January, comes from the name of a Roman deity? Janus, as he was known, had one face looking to the past and another faced toward the future. (This takes the old idea of “having eyes in the back of your head” to another level entirely!) And, while we may have only one face to work with, this time of year is typically a time we use to look at our past and project our best hopes upon the future. Whatever transpired in 2012—good, bad, or indifferent—is now in the past.

“The past.” Maybe some of you reading this would rather not think about the past. There may be some pretty rough times you have weathered, mistakes you’ve made, and hurts that haven’t fully healed. A glance back in the “rearview mirror” of life isn’t high on your priority list! You’ve done your best to forget the past and move on.

Forgiving, forgetting, and moving on into the future… there are a ton of self-help books out there that speak to these issues. They are pretty popular this time of year, in fact. But, as a follower of Jesus Christ, I am always curious as to the wisdom I might gain from those that have experienced past regrets and have tried to move on to a better future. I can think of no better example for someone who has “been there, done that” than Paul of Tarsus. The nice thing is, he wrote a large chunk of the Christian New Testament, and so we don’t have to guess at how he dealt with his past! Read the rest of this entry »

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