Just a few dozen of the many “messages of hope” you have shared with our children and staff during the Christmas appeal
As part of our Christmas appeal for the last two years, we have included a card that has allowed our supporters to include a “message of hope” for the children of Intermountain. These words are passed on to the staff and children who are doing the hard work of healing through building healthier relationships.
It is tough to transition from the person you are to the one you know you need to become in order to be successful in a family, so these words of hope (and the prayers that attend them) mean a great deal to us! This holiday season, we have been overwhelmed by the amazing support, love, and prayers sent our way from so many. It encourages us to continue to press on in the mission and ministry of bringing hope to as many children as we possibly can–first to the children of Montana and our local communities, and then the country and the world, as God sees fit to continue to expand the work of Intermountain.
The new year is often a time of setting goals and making resolutions. At times, we take an assessment of the year which has preceded and give thanks. Other times, we are thankful to turn the page on the calendar, for the year has been difficult and brought us many hardships. I know that, personally, I will be glad to enter a new year in 2016 with hope that it will be a little less trying. Perhaps you feel the same?
Whatever has gone on before and whatever lies ahead, one of the reasons we can have hope is because of our relationships. Relationships are an essential resource for navigating through life’s difficulties. And, when our relationships are tested, we often find that those who stick with us through the hard things in life are the friends and family with whom we develop an even stronger bond. This community of friends and relatives, those that hold fast through thick and thin, give our souls a resiliency we would not have on our own. It is this gift of friendship and family that Intermountain offers children in crisis that sets it apart from so many other agencies and social services. If you are reading this now, it is likely because you have made that connection personally and you can give these statements your heartiest, “Amen!”
As 2015 draws to a close and 2016 comes near, I want to thank you. Thank you for partnering in ministry with us. Thank you for praying for the children and staff, and for me–their often overwhelmed chaplain! Thank you for supporting the work of our Jewish mentor, Janet Tatz, and the amazing work she does with our Jewish children and their families. Thank you for opening your hearts, homes, and pulpits to us. Thank you for trusting that we will continue to carrying forth Brother Van’s vision to alleviate the suffering of children in God’s name through the best we can muster–clinically, therapeutically, educationally, and spiritually.
I’d like to conclude this post with a few quotes from the “messages of hope” we received over the last month. May these words be echoed in a thousand prayers for continued healing and wholeness in ourselves and the children we our privileged to work with and serve:
“Know that God is always with you, in the hard times as well as the easy times. The people you are with now love and care about you because you are all important. Merry Christmas.”
“You are so brave! You make this space brighter just by being here. Shine on like Christmas lights!”
“Beautiful children– I have been where you are. If you are sad, scared, lonely or hurt, I can tell you it CAN get better.”
“What a blessing Intermountain is to every child that comes… and every child is a blessing to Intermountain for their special gifts they bring!”
“Change is possible– don’t give up hope. Love and caring is all around you!”