

Mar 26

Becoming a church that welcomes ALL children – an Intermountain Moment

The most crucial and necessary first step to becoming a church that welcomes children with emotional disturbance from past trauma is to adopt an attitude of humility. It’s the humility that asks, “What must have happened to that child?” or “I wonder what I might have done to cause this child to react that way?” These are MUCH better questions to have going on internally than “What is WRONG with that child?” or “Why can’t that child behave?”

Behavior is a form of communication. Does that behavior sometimes communicate that stronger guidance, structure, and discipline is needed? Absolutely. But, what if that behavior, especially that troubling behavior that we’d rather not deal with, is communicating this message: “I have been hurt. I have a hard time trusting you. I think you might hurt me. I am frightened?”

At Intermountain, we’d love to help you and our congregation explore what it would mean to intentionally embrace children and families that are working through difficulties around attachment, emotional disturbance, or mental health. Not sure where to start? Get a hold of us and we’ll discover together what makes the most sense in your ministry context!


