

May 01

Calling all Quilting Groups and Sewing Circles… cushion covers needed!

When the chapel space in our new Van Orsdel Commons was designed, we intentionally left the spaces as wide and open as possible in order to accommodate as many different uses and as many little wiggly bodies as we could! I started to think creatively about seating arrangements and seats that could be used outside as well as inside. I wanted something rugged, but not too heavy. I hoped we could use them for games as well as seating for lesson times. I settled on a favorite of some elementary school teachers: milk crates!milk-crates-w-cushions

Now, your standard milk crate is not particularly comfortable… and that’s where I am hoping those in our faith communities that support us can help. We could use about 40 cushions to go on the milk crates to make seating more comfortable. I have the foam to put in the cushions, but I am needing the cushion covers created out of colorful and durable fabric. The plan is for these covers to have zippers on them, so if a cushion gets dirty I can easily wash the cover and put it back on the foam once it is clean again!

Ultimately, I’d like to start sending a milk crate (with cushion) home with each child that discharges from our care and heads home or on to their next placement. I envision this being a practical way from them to carry with them some of the crafts and other treasures we’ve created during our time together, as well as a handy place to store their folder with their lesson sheets and coloring pages, too. This means that I would need to keep restocking my cushion and milk crate supply, so the more your group could make, the merrier!

I have modified a pattern for a zippered pillow that will work well for the sized cushions we need (12″ square) and the thickness of foam I have (3″).

Click this link for the directions: Directions for Cushion Covers – Milk Crates

and contact us if you have any questions!

