Samantha came through her trauma with Intermountain’s help… but what of so many others threatened by cuts to services?
The holidays are almost upon us again! This time of year can be wonderful for children – filled with magical moments, time with loved ones, and treasured traditions. But the holidays can also be a difficult time, especially for children like Samantha. At seven, she was sexually molested by someone close to her. Taken from her birthparents, she bounced around from foster home to foster home. Her basic needs were often neglected, and she was exposed to cycle after cycle of domestic violence.
When Samantha was first placed in one of our residential treatment cottages, she was weighed down with guilt, depression, and a profound sense of failure. Day by day, our highly trained professional staff helped her to heal and to trust. At chapel times and through special school activities, she learned of God’s unconditional love and the amazing talents and gifts she had to share with others.
At Intermountain, Samantha learned how to have a friend, ride a bike, say I’m sorry, and believe in tomorrow.
And, earlier this fall, Samantha started college!
Because of the support of generous individuals and congregations like yours, Intermountain is able care for children like Samantha during the holidays and beyond.
You are probably already aware from recent headlines that our efforts to continue this level of life- saving work just got more difficult. Government cuts to support kids like Samantha widens the funding gap between what it costs to provide the specialized care those like Samantha need and what we receive from her state-provided health insurance plan.
Samantha made it out of her dark valley of despair and self-loathing. She is a trauma survivor. There are many children in our care right now whose path to healing and wholeness is being jeopardized by the cuts to their programs.
Will you stand with Samantha, Intermountain, and the hundreds of children who need our help? Pray for funding to be restored to these life-saving efforts, pray for the children and families, and ask God what you and your faith community might be able to do to help us fill the gap.
If you’d like to talk to someone about how you can help, reach out to our development team at 406-457-4804. You can also reach out to me by email at chrish@intermountain.org