At the invitation of Doris Davis, an Intermountain volunteer, Chaplain Chris spoke November 8th to Helena’s local NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) Association at their monthly luncheon, hosted by Plymouth Congregational Church. Many of the retirees had known of Intermountain’s work, but appreciated getting a better picture of the scope of services and the number of children served.
The lunch was a wonderful turkey dinner prepared by the various members of the group, and a number of members commented and shared stories of times they had interacted with Intermountain’s services and children in the past. Of course, many knew the Children’s Home as “the Deac’,” and were unaware of the chaplain’s ministry and the expanded community services in the Helena area as well as the Flathead.
An especially touching moment was shared between the group and chaplain Chris when group member and accomplished poet, Eddie George, shared an original poem he had written. The poem was entitled “Intermountain’s Common Place,” and was inspired by the effort to build Van Orsdel Commons, a permanent home on the Helena campus for chapel services and spiritual care of the children in residence. The poem appears here with his permission:
“Intermountain’s Common Place” by Eddie George; October 15, 2016
To rest the body and feed the soul
In a place of peace, that would be our goal.
To let the body be quite still,
Give peace to the mind to receive God’s will.
Build a place of Commons, we think is best
Where a child can find some peace and rest
To open their mind to God’s teaching way
To fill their heart with the joy of each day.
We think the cost would be quite small
For the peace to be found in Intermountain’s Common Hall.
Please help us raise this small amount
To bring peace and comfort to the children who count.

Doris Davis explains to the group various ways she is hoping the group can raise money for the chapel project
Those who wish to give to the chapel project can do so here: