Lent is the traditional time of preparation for Easter, usually evoking images of sacrifice and a special focus on the great lengths to which God went in showing love for his children by sending Jesus to die for their sins and be raised on Easter morning.
This curriculum was written by Pastor Chris Haughee and Rev. Sami Pack-Toner, chaplain, with the objective of being versatile in use for a number of ministry formats. Children’s church and Sunday school may be the most obvious applications, but we are hoping that we have included enough flexibility in the lessons that they could be adopted for online Zoom lessons, be used in Family worship times, or youth leaders could pick and choose what aspects of the lessons, games, songs and crafts might work for their fellowship groups.
We hope that these lessons are a blessing to you and that you will share them with others. If you would like to partner these lessons with a “Change for Children” change-can drive or a special offering, we would greatly appreciate your assistance in the mission of bring hope and healing to hurting children and their families. Reach out to us for supporting materials, such as prayer cards or posters to advertise your Change for Children effort (and, of course, the Change for Children cans themselves!). Whatever it is that will help you, let us know what you need and we’ll be happy to send it out to you!
(additional resources to interpret the mission of Intermountain for your congregation can be found on the “Resources” and “Videos” pages!)